collected by Joshua P. Warren

* Volume 1 is Now Available! To purchase on Amazon, click HERE!

* To hear Joshua read the audiobook on Audible, click HERE!

We Are Collecting Stories Today for Volume 2!

If your story is chosen, you'll receive a free copy of the book!

A portion of all sales go to various charities!

There are only FOUR Rules:

1. Your story must be true.

2. Your story must be short, ideally no more than a few paragraphs.

3. Your story must be amazing.

4. Your story must have a happy ending!

Here is an example of a story from the book:

Betty Bushton
Houston, Texas

My aunt was terribly teased in grade school because of her very pronounced overbite. My grandparents were poor, but they wanted to do whatever they could to fix her smile and ease the bullying. They found a dentist in town who was willing to take small payments for her braces. The dentist, a young, nice looking man, had a habit of brushing off my grandparents whenever they tried to make a payment, simply saying with a smile, "Y'all can pay me later!"

Finally the day came for my aunt to get her braces off. There was much joy and praise, as everyone admired her beautiful smile! Once again, my grandparents insisted they needed to make a payment, but again he quipped, "Y'all can pay me later!"

A week later, determined to pay the kind dentist in full, my grandparents went to his office only to find it abandoned, as though it had never been occupied. Alarmed, they asked around town if anyone knew where he had gone. No one had ever heard of him or seen him, nor had they ever noticed anyone, but my grandparents and aunt, going into the office building.

They never found that kind dentist and forever believed he was truly an angel from Heaven.

Listen to Joshua talk about this project! Click: HERE
* NOTE: Don't be confused by the first section. You only need to sign into Google if you want to SAVE your progress.

You can submit a story even if you don't have a Google (gmail) account.

You can submit your story using the below form, or just go to:

All content Copyright © 2021-2024 by Joshua P. Warren & Shadowbox Enterprises, LLC. All rights reserved.