
Joshua P. Warren proudly presents

14k Gold & Silver, Smelted and Delicately-Hammered, Hand-Made, in Your Size in the USA

Each Rugged Piece is Custom-Made, to Order, by Joshua's Master Artisan

Accepting orders

Always Made in the USA!

You should receive your custom-made ring ASAP.

Please be patient as the raw gold and silver are being smelted, and the ring is hammered and customized for your finger.

This is the REAL DEAL.

Don't miss this opportunity!

You will be part of an elite group of daily manifestors.

Here is Joshua's actual ring:

Here's a pic sent from a customer:

To hear Joshua tell the complete story behind this ring, listen to this excerpt from his weekly STRANGE THINGS podcast:

To download as an mp3, right-click and choose "Save As" or "Save Target As" HERE.

As of this moment on:

Accepting Orders

The price of gold and silver is always fluctuating.

Your Price TODAY

$169 USD
including FREE shipping anywhere in the world!

Don't miss this opportunity!

You know you can depend on Joshua P. Warren!

You will receive your ring, personally made for you asap.

If you are outside of the USA, please allow extra shipping time.

Thank you for being patient.

* Please order with your correct email address. *

* Please enter your ring size.
You can give any size, including half sizes, like 8, or 8.5, or 9, or 9.5, etc. *

If you don't know your ring size, ask your local jeweler,
or see these methods you can use to get a size at home.
Links to references are below the video. Go to: https://youtu.be/57OrTSDXcQo

Don't Forget to Select Your Ring Size!

What is your ring size?

* You do NOT need a PayPal account to purchase. PayPal is just our credit card processor. Any credit or debit card will work. You will have an option to pay with a credit or debit card without a PayPal account. *

* *
For some free, instant goodies from Joshua P.Warren,
sign up for his free (and spam-free) e-newsletter by clicking HERE.

Thank you for your interest!

All content Copyright © 2023-2024 by Joshua P. Warren & Shadowbox Enterprises, LLC